Adriana Almeida (USA)
Dra. Adriana Almeida de Jesus formou-se em Medicina pela Universidade Federal da Bahia em 2002. Fez residência médica em Pediatria (2003-2005) e em Reumatologia Pediátrica (2005-2007) no Instituto da Criança (ICr) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). A partir de 2008, a Dra. Adriana passou a se dedicar também ao estudo e acompanhamento de pacientes com doenças autoinflamatórias hereditárias, como assistente do Departamento de Reumatologia Pediátrica do ICr, sob supervisão do Prof. Dr. Clóvis Silva. Concluiu o Doutorado em Pediatria pela USP em 2011 sob orientação da Prof. Dra. Magda Carneiro-Sampaio. Desde 2012 atua como cientista na Translational Autoinflammatory Disease Section (TADS) do National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), do National Institutes of Health (NIH), contribuindo na descoberta, investigação e tratamento de síndromes autoinflamatórias hereditárias de início precoce. Atualmente, Dra. Adriana é Staff Scientist, Translational Autoinflammatory Disease Section na LCIM, NIAID, NIH.
Albert Selva-O’Callaghan (Espanha)
Born in Barcelona, Spain in 1959. Head at the Medicine Departament and Professor of Medicine at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain. Coordinator at the Autoimmune Systemic Diseases Unit. Vall d’Hebron Hospital. Barcelona. Spain.
Ana Valeria (Argentina)
Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), School of Medicine: 1984-1989. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), School of Medicine: 1990 (with honours) Asociacion Medica Argentina (AMA): Specialist in Internal Medicine, 1994. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), School of Medicine: Specialist in Nephrology and acid-base, electrolyte and fluid homeostasis, 1996. Buenos Aires City Hall: Specialist in Ultrasonography, 1997. HOSPITAL TRAINING AND POSITIONS Resident of Internal Medicine: Fernandez Hospital, Buenos Aires, June 1990- June 1992. Resident of Nephrology: Nephrology Unit, Fernandez Hospital, Buenos Aires., June 1992- June 1995. Chief Resident: Fernandez Hospital, Buenos Aires, June 1995-June 1996. Nephrologist: Nephrology Unit, Fernandez Hospital, Buenos Aires, June 1995 up to the present. Teacher: Municipal Course in Hemodialysis, Nephrology Unit, Fernandez Hospital, C.A. de Bs. As., march 1993 up to 2007. OMI; Organizacion Medica de Investigacion, PI since 2007, Clinical Research Professor: School of Medicine, Nephrology Unit, Universidad del Salvador (USAL), since March 2009 . SOCIETIES Member of the Argentine Society of Nephrology (SAN) since 1993. Member of the Glomerulopathies Council (ANCBA) since 1997. Member of the Lupus Nephritis Trial Network since 2012 Member of the American Society of Nephrology since 2015
Christopher Ritchlin (USA)
Dr. Ritchlin's basic science research efforts are directed towards understanding the mechanisms that underlie pathologic bone resorption and new bone formation in psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Using a translational approach, investigators in his lab are analyzing the cell surface molecules expressed by osteoclast and dendritic cell precursors with the goal to identify susceptibility and response biomarkers in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Dr. Ritchlin is also the Director of the Clinical Immunology Research Unit where he is the principle investigator on several clinical trials testing the efficacy of anti-TNF agents and other biologic molecules in the treatment of psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Daniel Aletaha (Áustria)
Daniel Aletaha is Chair of Rheumatology and Head of the Division of Rheumatology at the Medical University of Vienna. Dr. Aletaha has received academic degrees from the Medical University in Vienna, Duke University and Danube University, and had spent over two years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He is a dedicated scientist with broad interests in outcomes research, clinical trials, and translational research in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. He is author on more than 260 publications, and serves on the Editorial Board of several rheumatology specialty journals. Daniel Aletaha has been involved in several International Task Forces, including EULAR Management Guidelines for RA and PSA, and the Treat-to-Target recommendations, and was lead author of the 2010 Classification Criteria for RA. He has served many years in the EULAR Executive and is currently treasurer of EULAR.
Dinesh Khanna (USA)
Dr. Khanna directs a multidisciplinary group of caregivers, scientists and clinical researchers dedicated to advancing knowledge about scleroderma and related conditions. His research interests include clinical trial design in evaluating new treatments for scleroderma. Dr. Khanna is also funded by the NIH to develop new patient reported outcome measures in patients with scleroderma and different arthritides. In addition, he is leading international efforts to develop guidelines for the management of scleroderma and gout.
Francis Berenbaum (França)
Dr. Berenbaum is Professor of rheumatology at Sorbonne Université and is the Director of the Department of Rheumatology at AP-HP Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris, France. He is a former president of OARSI (Osteoarthritis Research Society International) in 2008-2010 and of the French Society of Rheumatology in 2014-2016. He is Associate Editor of the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. Dr Berenbaum leads an experimental team at INSERM institute. His basic research interests include the understanding of relationships between metabolic diseases and osteoarthritis. His clinical research focuses on new targeted therapies for treating symptoms and structural changes in osteoarthritis. He is involved in several clinical trials either from public or private partners. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed publications. Dr Berenbaum was the recipient of the Annual OARSI Clinical Research Award in 2017.
Frank Buttgereit (Alemanha)
Frank Buttgereit is a senior consultant and deputy head of the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at the Charité (CCM), University Medicine in Berlin. He also directs a liaison research group at the Deutsche Rheumaforschungszentrum (DRFZ). He studied Medicine at the Humboldt University Berlin, Charité, became Specialist for Internal Medicine (Internist) in 1998 and Specialist for Rheumatology (Rheumatologist) in 1998, received his postdoctoral degree with lecturing qualification (Habilitation) in the faculty group Internal Medicine (Charité) and has held the position of Professor of Rheumatology at the Charité since 2002. Since 2012, he is appointed honorary professor for rheumatology at the Rosario University of Bogota, Colombia. Dr. Buttgereit has expertise in the treatment of a wide variety of musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases, including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, connective tissue diseases and different forms of vasculitis. He is internationally recognised for his work on mechanisms and clinical effects of glucocorticoids and on bioenergetics of immune functions. He has been principal investigator and site investigator in a variety of clinical studies on effects of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agents in patients with rheumatic disease. Dr. Buttgereit has been the recipient of several research awards and scholarships. He was or is currently on the editorial board of several journals, including Ann Rheum Dis, Rheumatology, Arthritis Research, and Z Rheumatol, and author of more than 330 publications.
Georg Schett (Alemanha)
Prof. Dr. Georg Schett studied medicine at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, where he completed his doctoral degree in 1994. He worked as an assistant at the Research Institute for Biomedical Aging Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences until 1996. Afterwards he completed his speciality training for internal medicine at the University of Vienna in 2001, before becoming a specialist physician and then a senior physician in 2004. He completed his habilitation in internal medicine in Vienna in 2003. In 2004, he was a visiting researcher at Amgen in Thousand Oaks, California, USA and qualified as a specialist in rheumatology in the same year. In 2006, he accepted an appointment at the Chair of Internal Medicine at FAU and is also director of the Department of Medicine 3.
Grace C. Wright (USA)
Physician leader with diverse experiences in academia, Medicine, Clinical Research and Medical Education. Expertise includes leadership of cross-functional teams to deliver quality services to patients, management of complex clinical cases as well as in the identification and management of key health policy issues. Significant experience in developing and implementing practice guidelines and processes within organizations. Proven ability to drive quality improvement efforts through data analysis/visualization that positively impacts patient outcomes.
Iain McInnes (Escócia)
Iain McInnes is Vice Principal and Head of College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences, and Versus Arthritis Professor of Rheumatology in the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. He is Director of the Versus Arthritis Centre of Excellence for Inflammatory Arthritis, lead from Glasgow that includes Universities of Oxford, Newcastle and Birmingham. He is immediate past chairman of the Foreum (Foundation for European Rheumatology Research) Scientific Committee, leads the European Roadmap programme that is defining the research agenda for European rheumatology for the next decade and is currently President of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), the leading trans-national society for rheumatology across Europe. Under these auspices he is creating the first pan-European Rheumatology Research Centre planning to launch in 2021. His work is mainly focused upon the understanding of the pathogenesis of immune mediated inflammatory diseases and encompasses basic discovery immunology through phase 1 and proof of concept experimental medicine clinical trials to leadership of pivotal phase 3 trials in the area of immune biology. His laboratory group performed original discovery work leading to the therapeutic targeting of a several inflammatory cytokines. More recently he has focused on the biology of myeloid cells in the pathogenesis of a number of immune diseases. He has published >400 peer-reviewed original and review articles with an h-index of >100. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. He was made CBE in 2019 by HM Queen Elizabeth II.
James Rosenbaum (USA)
James T. Rosenbaum is the Chair of the Division of Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases at Oregon Health & Science University where he also holds the Edward E Rosenbaum Professorship, named for his father who was a Master of the American College of Rheumatology. Jim Rosenbaum is also chair emeritus of the Legacy Devers Eye Institute in Portland. According to Wikipedia, he is the only practicing rheumatologist to have headed an eye institute. He is the author of more than 600 manuscripts and book chapters. He has received continuous funding from the NIH for 40 years.
Jinoos Yazdany (USA)
Dr. Yazdany is Chief of the Division of Rheumatology at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG) and the Alice Betts Endowed Professor of Medicine at UCSF. She received her undergraduate degree from Stanford, her MD from UCLA, and her MPH from Harvard. She joined the faculty after completing internal medicine residency and fellowship in rheumatology at UCSF. As a rheumatologist specializing in systemic lupus, she practices at ZSFG and co-directs the UCSF Health Lupus Clinic. Dr. Yazdany’s scholarship focuses on improving health care quality, safety and outcomes for individuals with chronic rheumatic diseases. She co-directs the UCSF Rheumatology Quality and Informatics Lab, an interdisciplinary group that uses health services research, informatics, and implementation science to inform national health care improvement initiatives. She has worked with colleagues to develop the American College of Rheumatology’s RISE registry that aggregates and analyzes data from rheumatology practices around the country to inform quality improvement and research projects. She has developed a number of quality measures that have been endorsed by the National Quality Forum and are being used in federal programs. She has served as PI of grants from the NIH/NIAMS, AHRQ, and CDC and is the recipient of a NIAMS K24 mentoring award. Dr. Yazdany also serves as co-director of a research core – one focused on human subjects recruitment and clinical informatics support – for the NIH/NIAMS-funded P30 UCSF PREMIER Center. Nationally, Dr. Yazdany has held numerous leadership positions, including serving as co-chair of the ACR’s Quality Measures Subcommittee, chair of the ACR’s Registries and Health IT Committee, chair of Research and Publications for the RISE registry, and member of the NQF’s Health Professional Council. She has earned several honors and awards for her work, including the Mary Betty Stevens Young Investigator Prize from the Lupus Foundation of America, the Ephraim Engleman Award for Arthritis Research, and the Hulda Irene Duggan Arthritis Investigator Award from the Arthritis Foundation.
Joshua Baker (USA)
Dr. Baker's research in rheumatoid arthritis focuses on the assessment of disease activity, risk of long-term joint damage, and the evaluation of muscle and bone deficits. He is also interested in developing tools and techniques that may lead to more comprehensive risk assessment in individuals with inflammatory arthritis. Current projects include a study at the University of Pennsylvania and Veterans Affairs Medical Centers that evaluates rheumatoid arthritis patients' body composition, muscle deficits and associations with bone and joint structural outcomes over a two-year period. He is also conducting a study of long-term changes in body mass within a large registry of veterans with rheumatoid arthritis. Finally, he is performing secondary analyses of clinical-trial data, in order to evaluate the utility of MRI as an outcome in clinical trials.
Kevin Winthrop (USA)
Kevin L. Winthrop is Professor of Infectious Diseases and Ophthalmology at the School of Medicine and a Professor of Public Health at the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, OR, USA. Dr. Winthrop received his undergraduate degree in biology from Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA and his MD from OHSU. He completed his internal medicine residency training at Legacy Emanuel Hospital, Portland, OR. He then completed an infectious disease epidemiology fellowship at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2003, Dr. Winthrop was conferred a Master in Public Health from the University of California, Berkley, CA, USA. In 2006, Dr. Winthrop returned to OHSU as Assistant Professor before progressing to his current appointment in 2017. A former infectious disease epidemiologist in the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr Winthrop has co-authored over 300 publications, many regarding the epidemiologic and clinical aspects of opportunistic infections associated with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, particularly those related to biologic immunosuppressive therapies. As a primary or senior investigator in many clinical or epidemiologic studies in these fields, he has collaborated closely with the rheumatology community in the evaluation and prevention of opportunistic infections in that setting. In addition, he is also a member of the graduate faculty at OHSU where he mentors public health students, medical students, and physicians in post-graduate training.
Manuel Ramos-Casals (Espanha)
Manuel Ramos-Casals is working as Consultant-2 in the Department of Autoimmune Diseases of the Hospital Clinic Hospital Clínic (Barcelona, Spain). Their daily work, teaching and research focuses on systemic autoimmune diseases (SAD), a group of diseases characterized by the autoimmune damage of many organ systems, a chronic evolution and a high level of complexity in both diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. It is internationally considered an opinion leader in diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, vasculitis, viral-related autoimmune diseases or systemic lupus erythematosus, with more than 200 indexed articles published, 100 book chapters, co-editor of more than 20 books and chairman of numerous national and international meetings and workshops focused on SAD. He is coordinating the Josep Font Laboratory of Autoimmune Diseases-CELLEX, a research unit integrated in the Institute of Biomedical Research August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) in Barcelona, Spain.
Maria Celina de La Vega (Argentina)
Médica Reumatóloga Hospital Argerich, Buenos Aires Docente Adscripta Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires Presidenta Sociedad Argentina de Reumatología
María Inés Corbacho (Uruguai)
- Em breve.
Mariana Kaplan (USA)
Mariana Kaplan, M.D is Senior Investigator, Chief of the Systemic Autoimmunity Branch and Deputy Scientific Director at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. She is an internist and a rheumatologist and her work has focused on understanding the mechanisms that lead to the development of autoimmunity, organ damage and accelerated atherosclerosis in autoimmune diseases, with a focus in innate immunity. Dr. Kaplan has published over 200 publications. She has served in numerous roles at the American College of Rheumatology/Rheumatology Research Foundation, the American Association of Immunologists, and the Lupus Foundation of America. Dr. Kaplan was inducted into the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians (AAP) in addition to receiving the Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award and the Edmund L. Dubois Memorial Lectureship, both from the American College of Rheumatology. She received the 2015 Evelyn V. Hess Award from the Lupus Foundation of America in recognition of her significant contributions to lupus research, diagnosis, and treatment. In 2016, she received the Charles L. Christian Award for significant impact on the understanding of lupus. Dr. Kaplan is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Clinical Investigation and Deputy Editor of Arthritis & Rheumatology. She is currently a Council member at the AAP.
Melissa Morimoto (Canadá)
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Miguel Albanese Ostuni (Uruguai)
Médico Reumatólogo De CASMU y Hospital Evangelico se Montevideo Past presidente de Sociedad Uruguaya de Reumatología Presidente electo de PANLAR Temas de interés Osteoporosis -Artrosis -Artrtis Reumatoidea
Pavel Ovseiko (França)
Dr Pavel Ovseiko is a Senior Research Fellow and Principal Investigator in the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, and a Fellow on the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) Task Force on Gender Equity in Academic Rheumatology. He is leading a multi-disciplinary programme of research and policy advocacy on gender equity and diversity across medical and social sciences. This includes building an evidence base to accelerate women's advancement and leadership through systematic reviews; developing markers of achievement, metrics, and indicators for assessing and monitoring progress towards gender equity; conducting multi-centre cross-country comparisons of the gender leadership gap in academic health centres; exploring ways of creating a more supportive and inclusive university culture, and evaluating impact of gender equality interventions.
Percio S. Gulko (USA)
Pércio S. Gulko M.D. Chief, Division of Rheumatology,The Lillian and Henry M. Stratton Professor of Medicine,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY. Formado pela faculdate Medicina, UFRGS, Porto Alegre (1987), residencia em medicina interna no HCPA, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, e Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, e fellowship em reumatologia tambem no HCPA de Porto Alegre e no National Institutes of Health (NIH, Bethesda). Trabalha em Pesquisa em patogenia da artrite reumatoide por mais de 20 anos.
Robert Landewé (Holanda)
Robert Landewé is a professor of rheumatology at the Academic Medical Center / University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and is chair of the department of rheumatology at Zuyderland Medical Center Heerlen, The Netherlands. Professor Landewé received his medical degree from Maastricht University in 1990, and defended his thesis on cyclosporine therapy in rheumatoid arthritis in 1994 in Leiden. He received practical training in general internal medicine and rheumatology at Atrium Medical Center, Heerlen and in rheumatology at the University Hospital, Maastricht. He practices rheumatology in the Zuyderland Medical Center in Heerlen/Sittard, The Netherlands Currently, Professor Landewé is involved in outcome research and epidemiological research in the field of rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and other rheumatic & musculoskeletal manifestations. He has extensive experience in the design and analysis of clinical trials and has a special interest in medical statistics. Professor Landewé has authored or co-authored more than 600 articles and many book chapters covering a variety of topics, but with an emphasis on clinical epidemiology, methodology, statistics and guideline development (‘meta-research’). Recently he has developed an interest in -and published about- worldwide equity-issues pertaining to rheumatic diseases, as well as overdiagnosis and overtreatment. He has led many EULAR recommendation initiatives on the management of systemic sclerosis, early arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, and recently on the management of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases. He is a regular reviewer for several general medicine-, rheumatology- and epidemiology journals. Professor Landewé is a previous executive committee member of OMERACT, is board member and past-president of the Assessment in Spondyloarthritis International Society (ASAS), previous executive board member of the Dutch Society of Rheumatology (responsible for quality of care issues), executive board member of the METEOR foundation (monitoring in rheumatology) and incoming chair of the Quality of Care committee of EULAR. He was the scientific chair of EULAR 2018 in Amsterdam.
Robert Landewé (Holanda)
- Em breve.
Victor Montori (USA)
Victor M. Montori, MD is a Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic. An endocrinologist, health services researcher, and care activist, Dr. Montori is the author of more than 690 peer-reviewed publications and is among the most cited researchers in clinical medicine and in social science. He is a recognized expert in evidence-based medicine and shared decision making, and minimally disruptive medicine. He works in Rochester, Minnesota, at Mayo Clinic's KER Unit, to advance person-centered care for patients with diabetes and other chronic conditions. He is the author of the book Why We Revolt, and is leading a movement, a Patient Revolution, for Careful and Kind Care for all.
Viviana Maluje Badiola (Chile)
- Medica Reumatóloga Profesor asistente Universidad de Chile Presidenta de la Sociedad Chilena de Reumatología.
Ware Branch (USA)
Dr. Branch is a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist who treats high-risk pregnancy patients. He is internationally recognized for his research and focus on special interests within his specialty, including antiphosphilipid syndrome (APS), thrombotic disorders in pregnancy, and recurrent pregnancy loss. He has been in practice as a high-risk pregnancy physician since 1985 when he graduated from the Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship at the University of Utah, the same program he now directs for the University of Utah School of Medicine. He is currently a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Utah and the Medical Director of Women and Newborn Clinical Program for the Urban Central Region of Intermountain Healthcare.
Yanira R Yinde (Paraguai)
Titulación de Medicina por la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, es Especialista en Medicina Interna por la misma Universidad, Especialista en Didáctica Universitaria, Especialista en Reumatología, Docente de pre-grado de la Cátedra de Patología Médica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Univeridad Nacional de Asunción, Secretaria académica y docente del Postgrado de Reumatología de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción y Miembro del grupo de Estudio de Esclerodermia y del grupo de Capilaroscopia del PANLAR.Ex-alumna del Máster en Enfermedades Autoinmunes de la Universidad de Barcelona (2019-2020), ha sido nombrada Presidenta de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Reumatología para el período 2021-2023.